Mike Wawszczak (@dotwavsz) is General Counsel at @alliancedao and a valuable contributor to the DAO ecosystem. Mike has written extensive twitter threads and insightful articles on all things DAOs. 

This conversation touches on the origins of Mt. Gox, philosophical issues with the current legal system, and the future of DAOs.

Show highlights:

[2:00] Magic the Gathering & Mt. Gox

[7:00] Online Pseudonymity 

[11:00] Law & Economics

[17:00] Enforcing the Law

[23:00] Advice & Habits

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Disclaimer: Jacob Robinson and his guests are not your lawyer. Nothing herein or mentioned on the Law of Code podcast should be construed as legal advice. The material published is intended for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. Please seek the advice of counsel, and do not apply any of the generalized material to your individual facts or circumstances without speaking to an attorney.

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