This conversation covers the latest Gitcoin funding round, along with the work of three prominent public goods orgs: The Blockchain Association, The DAO Research Collective, and the EU Crypto Initiative.  

Kristin Smith (@KMSmithDC) is the Executive Director at the Blockchain Association, where she leads the crypto industry’s development of a strategic roadmap for public policy. 

Connor Spelliscy (@c_spelliscy) runs the DAO Research Collective, which accelerates DAO functionality by procuring and open sourcing targeted research foundational to effective DAO operation. 

Marina Markezic (@MarinaMarkezic) is co-founder of the EU Crypto Initiative, alongside Florian Glatz and Simon Polrot, which aims to shape EU regulation to favor open, permissionless, decentralized applications leveraging blockchain technology. 

Gitcoin’s Grants Round 14 is almost upon us, and with it #ReFiSummer will be officially here. The event is kicking off on June 8th and running through June 23rd, 2022. Gitcoin is where the world’s leading web3 projects are born, validated & funded. This includes @Uniswap, @poapxyz & @BanklessHQ. Gitcoin has distributed over $60 million in total, including $40 million through grants alone. In just 3 years, they’ve helped provide funding for over 2500 grants from tens of thousands of unique contributors across 2 million+ contributions. 

Show highlights:  

[1:50] Importance of Web3 Advocacy 

[7:00] The Blockchain Association, the DRC, and the EU Crypto Initiative 

[13:00] Gitcoin Advocacy Round

[25:00] Educating Regulators 

[33:00] Importance of EU Policy 

[42:00] Habits & Advice. 

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