Co-founded by longtime cryptolawyers Gabriel Shapiro and Alex Golubitsky, the mission of MetaLeX (which means beyond law) is to combine legal structures and autonomous tech to create best-in-class solutions serving DAOs, devs, and internet denizens with a suite of interoperable autonomous law solutions, which they refer to as MetaLeX OS.

The goal is a bold one: Separate law from nation-states in a manner similar to how Bitcoin separates money and Ethereum finance from nation-states.

[1:14] What is MetaLeX?
[6:16] BORGs, explained.
[8:12] BORG vs. DAOs.
[15:55] Cybernetic law.
[25:36] Expecting the law to act in appropriate, equitable manner.
[31:36] Autonomous code and the future.
[35:36] What is "deal technology" an how is it used
[42:15] Learnings from bridging the gap between the code and the law.
& much more.

Disclaimer: Jacob Robinson and his guests are not your lawyer. Nothing herein or mentioned on the Law of Code podcast should be construed as legal advice. The material published is intended for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. Please seek the advice of counsel, and do not apply any of the generalized material to your individual facts or circumstances without speaking to an attorney.