Meet Nikki Alderson, a former barrister with a 19 year career at the Criminal Bar and now a highly successful coach for women and keynote speaker. After reaching a career crossroads whilst representing two men on death row in Jamaica (trust me it’s a good episode), Nikki decided to pursue some coaching to help her figure out her next steps. That led, ultimately, to her becoming a coach herself, and she now works to help retain women in the legal profession.

Nikki is also an experienced public speaker and has spoken at a whole host of national Conferences and events, such as Women in the Law UK and Criminal Law Friends Society Conferences, for a variety of legal organisations, such as Women in Criminal Law, Women Lawyers and Mothers, Midlands Circuit Women's Forum, Leeds Law Society & North Eastern Circuit.

She is also the author of the brilliant book, “Raising The Bar”, where you can read more about her story and test out some of the coaching exercises she uses with her clients. Useful for anyone currently at a bit of a career-crossroads!

In one of my favourite conversations to date (I know, I always say this - and I genuinely mean it every time!), Nikki and I talked about:

Nikki’s life-changing career-crossroads moment whilst representing two men on death row in Jamaica
Her work with female professionals, helping them to reach their full potential in their careers and be retained in the profession
The purpose of coaching and what people can expect from it
How to say no without actually saying no (Hint: read chapter 8 of ‘Essentialism’)
Flexible working and remote working
Parenthood and law
Digital distraction
How to be a busy lawyer and still have a social life

If you’re keen to keep up with Nikki you can find her on LinkedIn or check out her website.