Figuring out how to effectively create systems can be tricky. Ernie addresses a solo lawyer’s question why she might be having trouble creating systems.

Podcast Episode Show notes:

Atomic Habits, by James Clear The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron Brian Koppleman’s podcast (the episode where he talks about doing the 3 daily pages practice that he learned from reading The Artist’s Way)

General Resources

Learn to use technology to reduce friction & gain freedom with this resource: Focus on these essential tech tools for maximum traction in your practice. Take this short law practice assessment to identify your main strengths & weaknesses.

Thanks to My Sponsor; is a superior receptionist service for law firms that also helps you convert first-time callers or website visitors into paying clients.

They also offer a free AI Chatbot that provides 24/7 service on your website. Ernie appreciates the superior service they provide to his callers and web visitors, and you will too.

And if you’re curious about how a virtual receptionist service can help you take your practice to the next level, check out this ebook.


If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Danny Ozment.

He helps thought leaders, influencers, executives, HR professionals, recruiters, lawyers, realtors, bloggers, coaches, and authors create, launch, and produce podcasts that grow their business and impact the world.

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