Norm is back on the air to start the week and it is clear he missed his new home at WICC. He spends the opening minutes of his segment by reviewing the results of the local bluefish fishing tournament and the various methods fishing tournaments deploy to ensure a presumed winner did not become so through cheating. 

Norm is then joined by W. Michael Boyer, the producer of Law and Legitimacy and North Carolina-based attorney, as he is at the top of every week. 

Norm and Mike begin the recent headlines around student loan forgiveness. Under color of its executive authority, the Biden Administration has announced that it will waive up to $10,000 per borrower of federally backed student loans. 

The two dissect the announcement and discuss the apparent moral flaw at the center of the Biden Admin's decision. A listener calls with a bit of nuance, adding a note that federally backed student loans are not dischargeable through bankruptcy. Norm proposes an idea that could have been adopted in conjunction with a forgiveness program but very clearly was not. 

In the second hour, Norm and Mike get at the latest developments in the FBI's search of Trump's personal home in Mar-a-Lago. Mike asks Norm to explain the role of a "special master" in proceedings such as those present in the Trump case. Trump has motioned for the appointment of a special master to oversee the review of the documents seized pursuant to the FBI search of his home. Trump's legal team has also stated that many of the documents seized contain confidential and privileged information based on attorney-client privilege.

Mike takes care to point out the wonky state of affairs when it comes to the designation of documents as 'Top Secret' and 'Confidential' for matters with even a remote or tenuous connection to the President of the United States and the president's authority to declassify documents. 

Norm and Mike close the segment with observation of what's happening at the border, and Governor Greg Abbot of Texas' decision to begin bussing illegal immigrants into blue states, namely New York. 

Do you recognize the country you live in?

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