How are the Roe v. Wade debate and the American gun debate related?

Norm spends the second hour in a legal and intellectual deep dive into foundational constitutional principles—the federal bill of rights, the notion of the "silly putty constitution", the emergence of non-explicit "rights" through inference, and where that leaves us today in the abortion and gun debates. 

Norm believes SCOTUS will overturn Roe v. Wade with its forthcoming decision in Dobbs v. Mississippi Women's Health Center. Moreover, he's okay with that from a perspective of principle. But the calculus is not so straightforward when it comes to Heller's holding that the second amendment affords an individual right to gun ownership. 

Norm then spends the final minutes of the second hour by examining the House Select Committee on J6 and whether it has been lawfully consittuted. He reviews his efforts by and through his representation of Alex Jones to attack the unlawfully formed committee in an effort to protect and safeguard the constitutional separation of powers. 

Did you know the legislative branch of the United States government has taken the position that it does not honor or respect the attorney-client privilege?

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