Norm opens the show with the announcement that the defamation suit against Alex Jones will proceed in Connecticut on Thursday, August 18, 2022. Norm is of course defense counsel to Alex Jones and will be in the arena with Jones as the court allows a jury to assess damages in a manner similar to that of the Texas jury. 

Norm then reads a letter from a listener admonishing Norm to play fair when it comes to his criticism of President Donald Trump. 

What is a strategic lawsuit against public participation and what does that have to do with Rachel Maddow? Norm unpacks the legal concept associated with speech and the creature of statute known as Anti-SLAPP law across the United States. 

A listener calls in and poses the question: a lot of these shows are news and commentary—how is one to tell the difference? A great question, indeed. The lines between comedy, journalism, news, and commentary are quite blurred in current American media. How is a court to competenly analyze the 'totality of the circumstances' in any given case?

And how might the Connecticut court precedent impact the Jones defense in then coming days and weeks? Less than you might think. Recall that the court entered a default judgment against Jones for failing to comply with discovery orders. Thus, Jones' defense will not be permitted to defend against the merits of the plaintiff's defamation case against him; a finding of liability will simply be assumed. And so the jury will only decide the question of damages. 

Still, Norm discusses the mechanics of defamation with a caller but stops short of giving any details of how he will defend Jones at trial out of respect for ethical considerations attendant to out of court statements. 

What are the best used bookstores in Connecticut? Well, Whitlock Farm's Bookstore in Bethany, Connecticut, has been voted #1 in Connecticut. Listeners of LAL will recognize the name. That's Norm's store! 

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