The forecast in Greensboro, North Carolina, says that it will be 80F on Thursday. With flowers beginning to bloom, we are going to assume that Winter in the American south has come and gone.

It is Day 35 of the trial in United States v. Joe Biggs et al. Sike. It's President's Day, but Norm is back at it after a long weekend nonetheless. The prosecution is still making its case-in-chief. Norm updates on what to expect in the immediate days when court picks up again on Tuesdday, and also talks about John Locke, the Spoilage Principle, and Legitimacy.

Norm and Mike also discuss the following:
› North Carolina State University Men's Basketball Beats the Tar Heels (Again);
› Ann Coulter is in the News for Comments About Nikki Haley
› What is Going On at the #AsburyRevival

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