Emily Kapit is the founder of ReFresh Your Step - a career advisory company that she started after leaving the Finance industry to go out on her own. Through many iterations of her company, she has successfully scaled her original service of providing resume services to be a full career advisory with a staff of people working with her.

She shares her launch motto, which is growing organically - without being afraid to change directions and taking the blinders off. Following her own advice, she walks us through how she has scaled her business and her ultimate networking strategy.

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Emily Kapit is the founder of ReFresh Your Step – a career advisory company that she started after leaving the Finance industry to go out on her own. Through many iterations of her company, she has successfully scaled her original service of providing resume services to be a full career advisory with a staff of people working with her.

She shares her launch motto, which is growing organically – without being afraid to change directions and taking the blinders off. Following her own advice, she walks us through how she has scaled her business and her ultimate networking strategy.

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Different iterations of the company
How and when to scale
How to get deal with the growing pains and change of scope
This is the way it needs to be, deep breath and let it go
Reframing the change to clients
ABN – Always Be Networking
Not networking, but connecting with someone with commonalities
Marketing without marketing
Reaching out to groups that you would naturally want to join
Asking around the well-connected people in the community
BNI organization – networking connections
Reframing when things don’t go as planned
There is always going to be the next step without a safety net
Planning – being strategic and the growth potential is there



ReFresh Your Step
Twitter: @ReFreshYourStep

Email: [email protected]


Emily Kapit, MS, CPRW, ACRW, is the founder, lead resume writer, and head career strategist at ReFresh Your Step, LLC, a career advisory firm based in Miami, Florida with clients located nationally and internationally.

Emily specializes in writing highly tailored, targeted resumes, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles and other professional documents. She is one of South Florida’s only Certified Professional Resume Writers (CPRW) and one of very few ACRWs (Academy Certified Resume Writers). In addition to written documents, she also collaborates with clients on targeted job search strategies, effective networking tactics, and comprehensive interviewing techniques.


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