This is the most important episode of the Launch Your Teens Podcast, so listen to this one as soon as you can. 

You'll learn:

1. That this podcast isn't about getting scholarships. Scholarships are a relatively small part of the process when it comes to getting kids through college debt-free. This podcast is about the thousands of other ideas for getting kids through college or technical school debt-free, and into jobs they love afterward.

2. The easiest way for you to access all the best debt-free college strategies. Learn how to access them inexpensively—and quickly. Starting right now. 

3. The personal story behind why your host started this podcast. Learn how her heartbreak over her med school and grad school application clients' debt set her on a path to getting this information out to the world.

4. You'll gain an exhilarating sense of hope and confidence. You'll end this podcast episode convinced that everything’s going to turn out fantastically well for the kids you love—because you have all the tools you need to make good things happen.

If you'd prefer to view the video version of this episode, on YouTube, you can find and subscribe to it here: bit.ly/launchyourteenspodcast

Links mentioned in this episode:


Purchase LAUNCH on Amazon at bit.ly/burlowski

Sign up for email updates at JeannieBurlowski.com

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If you've got kids ages 12–26, you need to listen to the Launch Your Teens Podcast. Lots of help for getting your kids through college debt-free and into jobs they love afterward. Listen or watch here: bit.ly/launchyourteenspodcast.


What is the Launch Your Teens podcast?

At Launch Your Teens, parents of kids ages 12–26 learn how to set their kids up to graduate college completely debt-free, ready to jump directly into careers they excel at and love—even if they don’t get a single scholarship. If you're new to Launch Your Teens, be sure to listen to all of episode 1 as soon as you can. It's just 23 minutes long, and it gives you all the most important foundation you need for this journey.

Who is Jeannie Burlowski?

Jeannie is a full-time academic strategist, speaker, and podcast host, and she is the author of the book LAUNCH: How to Get Your Kids Through College Debt-Free and Into Jobs They Love Afterward. Her writing, speaking, and podcasting help parents set their kids up to graduate college debt-free and move directly into careers they excel at and love. Her work has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post, USA Today, NerdWallet, and US News and World Report.

Jeannie also helps students apply to law, medical, business, and grad school at her website GetIntoMedSchool.com. You can follow her on Twitter @JBurlowski.

This episode is sponsored by Signature Orthodontics in St. Paul and White Bear Lake, Minnesota. Online at SignatureSmilesMN.com.

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