Olivia Angelescu - Launch Strategist

Olivia is a Launch Strategist for ambitious online entrepreneurs. When she was a kid she loved reading and writing: there was nothing else she wanted to do during all those school holidays. Also, her dream job was being a teacher (mainly because they seemed to have a lot of vacation days, and she figured she could use that time to write and travel the world).  

So, logically, when she grew up she became an… accountant! Turns out her mother was scared that she wouldn’t make much of a living as a teacher. She didn't blame her, it was true.

From a simple accountant, she became a Chief Finance Officer and then a senior management consultant in a very well known advisory company. She had the best time of my life. She was part of very exciting projects, she interacted with top Fortune100 CEO’s, she was learning cool stuff and she was traveling the world.

And then, suddenly, something weird happened to her. Something that took her ambitious and smart brain, twisted it around, and inserted a new range of never experienced before feelings into her heart: yes, SHE BECAME A MOTHER!

It was not easy, but still, it wasn’t that hard either. And the best part of all? She finally gets to do the things that she loves: writing, reading, and teaching – while working only a few hours every day, while her kids are sleeping or playing.

So if you want to learn more about how you can have your most successful launch yet, even if nobody knows who you are, then you are in the right place! If you are interested sign up here: http://oliviaangelescu.com/contact/