I have had the pleasure of knowing this week’s guest, David Jacobson, almost since my start in AATH.  We’ve served on the Board together, worked conferences together and even started our CHP journey together.  What’s always struck me about David is how, when first meeting him, he is quiet and reserved and then BAM!  He surprises you with his outgoing personality and wicked sense of humor.  Aside from being an incredible speaker and author, he has been doing great work in the humor world.  I encourage you to take a listen to this episode and enjoy what many of us already know and appreciate about David…his intelligence, love of life, and his commitment to making a difference.
More on David…
David Jacobson, LCSW, CHP is the owner of Humor Horizons, his professional speaking and publishing business and is the Director of Behavioral Health Case Management at Banner University Medical Center. As a former social work manager there, he worked with patients and families of traumas including the tragic shooting event in Tucson that occurred in January, 2011. Jacobson’s many honors include a "President's Award" from FlashNet Marketing, A “Joy Mask” from the Korean Broadcasting System, The Wayne Washburn Memorial Award, A "National Hero" Award,  and a Lifetime Achievement Award, all from the Arthritis Foundation National Office.
Check him out on his website at: http://www.humorhorizons.com/