What do you get when you cross a tech savvy entrepreneur with a person that wants to make a difference for others? FRANK CHINDAMO! In this episode of Laughbox, Frank shares about his humor roots and how LaughMD got started and where they want to go. Take a listen in as Frank makes me laugh a LOT!More on Frank…

More on Frank…

Frank created Fun Little Movies in 2003, the first U.S. company to produce comedic films for mobile phones worldwide, and launched the still-running top-deck channel of comedy videos on Sprint phones in 2004. In 2007, he was nominated by Ernst & Young for Entrepreneur of the Year. Frank is LMD’s Founder and Content Curator, and has experience ranging from the Sprint Channel to Babelgum.com, (achieving 1 million subscribers in under two months) to the current Christian content site. Truli.net. FLM produces web video series for big brands including Walmart, Petco and Kingston Technologies.

FLM has been a cover story or featured in Forbes Magazine, the L.A. Times, the NY Times, USA Today, The NY Post, the BBC, Washington Post, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, AdAge, Mashable, CBS and Wired Magazine. FLM has also won over 30 awards for the the videos they have produced, including the Grand Prize at Mobile Content World in Barcelona at the MoFilm awards, given by Kevin Spacey. FLM was also a finalist at the Cannes Film Festival for Best Short Film. In 2010, Frank produced a video for TED with Titanic and Avatar producer Jon Landau. He has lectured at numerous colleges and universities and is currently an Adjunct Professor in Web Video at USC, UCLA and Chapman Universities.

Frank created LaughMD because of the experiences he saw when he was with his family in hospitals. His father suffered from heart attacks and cancer and was in the hospital 17 times. His brother passed away after months in a hospital. And other family members have spent weeks in hospitals. Frank saw that most of the time, patients were doing nothing but watching TV, and the TV channels available to them made them more anxious, aggravated and sicker. There had to be a better way!

Frank received his Film B.F.A. from N.Y.U. and his Screenwriting & Producing M.F.A. from Columbia University.

Want more on LaughMD? Visit their site: http://www.laughmd.com/