Previous Episode: Esteban Lee-O’neal
Next Episode: Mark Jones

Esteban continues his story in part 2.    In this episode Esteban talks about life after the church. What can life after the church look like for someone who is LGTBQIA?  It's important to know that the church doesn't own kindness, "clean living", integrity, honestly, faithfulness, even spirituality.  All of those things are still available to you outside of the church if you want them. Learning you are a valuable human being with a lot to offer the world, instead of being the example for what a "sinful person" is, may just be something that one of your family members needs to hear from you. It may just save a life.... it's THAT serious. 

This is an important episode. Sometimes we participate in things knowing that there are problems but as long as it isn't affecting us, we turn a blind eye to it. But you might have an "Esteban" in your family who has been too afraid to tell anyone. Or maybe you have excluded a gay family member because of your beliefs and you don't understand how damaging it was for them to learn your love was conditional. Here is an opportunity to listen to what it is like to be LGTBQIA in the church and how there is support and community for you after you leave. It can also be an opportunity to change your thinking (if you have rejected a gay child) and reach out to estranged family members NOW before it is too late.