In this special Father's Day episode, LDF host Dan Wotherspoon interviews his dad, Jim. James Richard Wotherspoon has lived a remarkable life. Born blind (as was his brother, Robert), Jim has  achieved quite a lot in his 87-plus years. He became one of the first (if not the first) blind person to earn the rank of Eagle scout. He and his brother both mainstreamed at Berkeley High School, where he excelled in his courses, as well as music and chess. He then attended the University of California at Berkeley where he earned his doctorate in history (as well as met his wife, Beverly, and started a family). They then all moved to Sacramento, California, where he taught history at American River College for 43 years.

In addition to his life triumphs, he faced many setbacks as well, including a heartbreaking divorce and reactions from church leaders, ultimately staying away from activity for 35 years. He is fully back and involved now, and most impressive of all is his attitude and the spirit of grace and forgiveness that radiate from him.

You'll be glad you listened in!