Gabriel Canto is an Associate with Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP’s Dallas office. He is a member of the Construction and Design Law, Professional Liability / Errors and Omissions, and Labor & Employment Practice Sections. Mr. Canto has worked in complex litigation from both sides of the docket throughout his career, handling cases in medical malpractice, pharmaceutical injury, and products liability. He enjoys breaking down the intersection between science and law in order to advise his clients on tough issues and effectively advocate on their behalf. Mr. Canto is a fearless fighter who welcomes the challenges of complex subject matters.

Mr. Canto attended Texas A&M University and studied Philosophy and Ethics. In undergrad, he wrote for a student run newspaper called, The Anthem, and earned the Michael Ebanks Bonfire Memorial Scholarship, named in honor of one the victims of the Bonfire Tragedy. He then attended Southern Methodist University School of Law where he served on the mock trial team and as a student member of the Honor Committee, which investigates allegations of student cheating. In Law School he interned with the United States Attorney’s Office and Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, focusing on criminal law, before transitioning to complex civil practice.


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