Get out of the building! If you've never heard this advice before as a founder… wait, what am I saying, of course you have.

Today, we welcome a true titan of the startup world, the man who coined "GOOB" and pioneered the Customer Development methodology, which has been instrumental in shaping the Lean Startup movement.

Steve Blank is not only a serial entrepreneur with 8 ventures and 4 IPOs under his belt, but he is also an accomplished author, having penned four influential books, including "The Four Steps to the Epiphany" and "Startup Owner's Manual." Also an adjunct professor and co-founder of the Gordian Knot Center for National Security Innovation at Stanford, it's safe to say that Steve has made a lasting impact on the entrepreneurial landscape. 

The masterclass you're about to listen to was originally a private session for the Latitud Community that was too good not to share with the world. Hosted by my co-founder and Latitud CTO Yuri Danilchenko, this chat covers:

How the Customer Development methodology came about and evolved over the yearsCommon misconceptions and pitfalls about doing customer discovery and building MVPsThe impact of AI and other emerging technologies on entrepreneurshipAnd Steve's biggest lessons from past failures

Building good sh*t in Latin America?

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