This week, host Angelo Coppola discusses: the Chicken McNugget diet, McDonald's changing it's burger recipe and why, what you should know about supermarket meat, antitrust and "big beef," house husbands, stone-age social networking, cold weather weigh loss, specialization, why you might benefit from exercising less, the original affluence (Moment of Paleo), and Zeitgeist Movie (After the Bell).

Links for this episode:

Latest in Paleo Podcast Home ==>
The (almost) World Famous Latest in Paleo Facebook Page ==>
Stacey Irvine, 17, collapses after eating only McDonald's chicken nuggets since age 2 | Mail Online
Teen Hospitalized After Eating Only Chicken Nuggets
McDonald's Is Changing Its Burger Recipe To Take The 'Pink Slime' Out Of Its Meat
Supermarket Meat Comes From Sick Animals | Mother Jones
Dispute Over Drug in Feed Limiting US Meat Exports | Food and Environment Reporting Network
Antitrust Official Gets Stampeded By Big Beef : The Salt : NPR
Man about the house | Life and style | The Guardian
Stone Age Social Networks May Have Resembled Ours | Wired Science |
Cold Weather: A Weight Loss Secret? | Video - ABC News
Musings on Specialization and Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World | Mark's Daily Apple
Why You May Need To Exercise Less
neolithic hunter-gatherers: Marshall Sahlins- The Original Affluent Society
77Zero / Global Zero Fuel Expeditions

This week, host Angelo Coppola discusses: the Chicken McNugget diet, McDonald's changing it's burger recipe and why, what you should know about supermarket meat, antitrust and "big beef," house husbands, stone-age social networking, cold weather weigh loss, specialization, why you might benefit from exercising less, the original affluence (Moment of Paleo), and Zeitgeist Movie (After the Bell).

Links for this episode:

Latest in Paleo Podcast Home ==>
The (almost) World Famous Latest in Paleo Facebook Page ==>
Stacey Irvine, 17, collapses after eating only McDonald's chicken nuggets since age 2 | Mail Online
Teen Hospitalized After Eating Only Chicken Nuggets
McDonald's Is Changing Its Burger Recipe To Take The 'Pink Slime' Out Of Its Meat
Supermarket Meat Comes From Sick Animals | Mother Jones
Dispute Over Drug in Feed Limiting US Meat Exports | Food and Environment Reporting Network
Antitrust Official Gets Stampeded By Big Beef : The Salt : NPR
Man about the house | Life and style | The Guardian
Stone Age Social Networks May Have Resembled Ours | Wired Science |
Cold Weather: A Weight Loss Secret? | Video - ABC News
Musings on Specialization and Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World | Mark's Daily Apple
Why You May Need To Exercise Less
neolithic hunter-gatherers: Marshall Sahlins- The Original Affluent Society
77Zero / Global Zero Fuel Expeditions