The usual love for the Mars helicopter and KDE, rare praise for Mozilla, and fingers pointed at DuckDuckGo and Brave. Plus apprehension about Broadcom’s VMware acquisition, and Intel’s new “features”.   News Alex’s London meetup is going to be a day earlier than originally planned. He’s still working on a venue but stay tuned and... Read More

The usual love for the Mars helicopter and KDE, rare praise for Mozilla, and fingers pointed at DuckDuckGo and Brave. Plus apprehension about Broadcom’s VMware acquisition, and Intel’s new “features”.



Alex’s London meetup is going to be a day earlier than originally planned. He’s still working on a venue but stay tuned and watch the meetup page

Ingenuity Adapts for Mars Winter Operations

NASA’s 161-second helicopter tour of Martian terrain

Phoronix Turns 18 Years Old

Mozilla releases local machine translation tools as part of Project Bergamot

DuckDuckGo: Why our browsers won’t block Microsoft trackers

DDG has a tracker blocking carve-out linked to Microsoft contract

Brave marketing gaffe

Brave’s use of Direct Mailers

Broadcom is acquiring VMware for $61 billion

VMware users are nervous about Broadcom acquisition

Broadcom’s stated strategy ignores most VMware customers

Drew’s Tweet

Linux 5.18 Released With Intel SDSi, New CPU & GPU Features

Intel’s software-defined silicon set to debut in Linux 5.18

Intel Upgrade Service


KDE Korner

KDE a Google SoC participent

SCAM: Lightmoon IS NOT Kdenlive. Lightmoon is MALWARE

KDE ECO sprint May & Nico Fella

KItinerary April/May Update

KDE Goals: Wayland

Job vacancy for furthering KDE in app stores







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