Matthew Bannister on

Larry King, the American TV interviewer whose long running show on CNN attracted guests ranging from Presidents to pop stars. Christiane Amanpour pays tribute.

Catherine Ennis, the organist at the City of London Church of St Lawrence Jewry who helped to design four major organs in the capital.

Dame Margaret Weston, the Director of the Science Museum who spread funding around the UK by opening the National Railway Museum in York and the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford.

Gerry Cottle, the charismatic circus owner who overcame bankruptcy and sex and cocaine addiction to evolve the art form as public tastes changed

Producer: Neil George

Interviewed guest: Christiane Amanpour
Interviewed guest: Michael Carlson
Interviewed guest: Sir Roger Gifford
Interviewed guest: Sir Andrew Parmley
Interviewed guest: Heather Mayfield
Interviewed guest: David Morgan
Interviewed guest: Professor Vanessa Toulmin
Interviewed guest: John Haze

Archive clips from: Profile, Radio 4 TX 26.03.1974; In Tune, Radio 3 TX 14.10.2016; Desert Island Discs, Radio 4 TX 21.9.1984