Matthew Bannister on

Captain Don Walsh, the American submariner who made the first descent to the deepest place in the ocean – the Mariana Trench. His friend and fellow deep sea explorer Victor Vescovo relives the experience for us.

Dame A.S. Byatt, the author best known for her Booker Prize winning novel “Possession”.

Rosalynn Carter, the former First Lady of the USA.

Dr Finlay Macleod, the historian from the Isle of Lewis who fought to preserve the Gaelic language. Robert Macfarlane pays tribute.

Interviewee: Rebecca Morelle
Interviewee: Victor Vescovo
Interviewee: Neil La Bute
Interviewee: Sam Leith
Interviewee: Kate Andersen Brower
Interviewee: Robert Macfarlane
Interviewee: Agnes Rennie

Producer: Gareth Nelson-Davies

Archive used:

Rebecca Morelle interviews Don Walsh, BBC News, 23/02/2012, They Dived 7 Miles, British Pathe News Reels, 08/02/1960; Witness History : The world's deepest dive 11km down, BBC World Service, 01/03/2021; Don Walsh interview, Short CUts 18, The Descent, BBC Radio 4, 05/03/2019;