Next Episode: S225 "Momma Pretzel"

00:50 – Welcome!
02:54 – A slice of pie
06:21 – Cookies, cakes and pies! (and ROH)
10:04 – Shout out!
12:42 – The documentary
14:34 – Maybe you’ll learn something boys and girls
17:23 – Speaking of “unwrapping” things
22:04 – The Mandela Effect
25:44 – On a much more intellectual note…
27:52 – Yankees were loaded
29:58 – Cary: “Speed, alcohol…” Ian: “And amphetamines!” Cary: “That’s speed.”
32:13 – “I hit the ball like nobody business!”
35:50 – Maybe I should cut down from 16 drinks a day to 12…
39:42 – Lambchop update!
40:01 – The Whiz Kids 
43:01 – There is still a link
45:28 – So many great players
50:18 – Holiday book recommendation tour

Cary Silkin on Twitter - @rohcary
Cary Silkin on Facebook
Ian Riccaboni on Twitter - @ianriccaboni
Ian Riccaboni on Facebook

AJ @ Bisson Creative
(web, design, photo, audio & video):
Bisson Creative& Facebook, Instagram
Eric Nordrum (copy writer, moral support & high-fives):
Twitter - @ericlikesfood

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