Oh goodness, finally, it’s done.

It took too long to produce — a month or so longer than I intended to put this all together. I became exhausted, weary of hearing my own voice, editing hours of audio, listening and trimming and organizing and reorganizing and recording my wandering commentary, cutting and slicing and trimming, exporting, finding mistakes, fixing and then re-exporting, uploading chunky hi-quality audio files, writing provocative titles and descriptions, editing eye-catching designs — all about the end of things. Death, love, grief, anger, plagues and human resistance to systemic violence, denial-isms — the void at the heart of it. It’s all enough to make one take a long nap, and believe me, I took plenty.

This long, seven part series (something I half-seriously call an episode) is a labor of love. With each part, I was able to pull at the threads of this work over the previous 100 episodes; each major theme I’ve explored through dozens of interviews coalesced into seven hours-long audio compilations. Part one: climate catastrophe and ecological collapse. Part two: my interviews in Brazil on the verge of the pandemic. Part three: the seismic ruptures brought on by the pandemic. Part four: the national reckoning with police (white supremacist) violence last year with the George Floyd rebellions. Part five: the conditions that led to the fascist coup attempt and Capitol riot on January 6th. Part six: intergenerational trauma and the ghosts that haunt us. Part seven: grief, despair, extinction, and love.

Each of these seven parts were released as individual podcast releases. Many of you may have heard these — I thank you and I hope they resonated. Along with this, I’ve uploaded each part as individual “albums” on Bandcamp, which you can download for free, or pay for, if you would be so kind and willing to do so. Each album download comes with a PDF document of the designs I made for each release, as well.

EPISODE 300: https://lastborninthewilderness.bandcamp.com

WEBSITE: https://www.lastborninthewilderness.com

PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/lastborninthewilderness

DONATE: https://www.paypal.me/lastbornpodcast / https://venmo.com/LastBornPodcast

BOOK LIST: https://bookshop.org/shop/lastbornpodcast

BOOK: http://bit.ly/ORBITgr

ATTACK & DETHRONE: https://anchor.fm/adgodcast

DROP ME A LINE: Call (208) 918-2837 or http://bit.ly/LBWfiledrop

EVERYTHING ELSE: https://linktr.ee/patterns.of.behavior