This is a segment of episode #247 of Last Born In The Wilderness “Breaking Us Open: Shame, Trauma, & The Double Edged Blade Of Privilege w/ Anthony Rella.” Listen to the full episode:

Learn more about Anthony and his work:

Much of this discussion with Anthony touches on some very personal topics I'm presently reflecting on and addressing in my own life. This includes personal reflections on intergenerational and collective trauma, somatic responses to conflict in intimate relationships, masculinity, privilege, and our individual and collective responses to the overlapping crises we are in the midst of contemporarily. In conducting this interview, I attempted to present my inquiries into these subjects with openness and vulnerability, while also keeping our explorations broad enough to be received by practically anyone that is receptive to these subjects.

This segment of Anthony’s essay ‘It is Right to Take Time to Grieve’ expresses some of what we explore in this discussion:

“Grief and disappointment are not separate from care, joy, and enthusiasm. All of these feelings are emotions of engagement with this life. Letting things matter to us. Taking risks. Opening our hearts. Asking for what we really want and need, and then getting it. Or not getting it. Or getting it in a way we didn’t want or expect. Or getting it in a way that kind of fucks up the whole enjoyment of it.

Should I turn myself away from my sorrow, grief, and disappointment of not getting, then it remains in me. The space and energy I would have for fresh caring and new daring remains occupied. These feelings begin to become stagnant, shifting into cynicism, pessimism, despair, and irritability. Life no longer seems worth the effort of caring.” (

Anthony Rella is a mental health therapist living in Seattle, Washington. He specializes in helping men and masculine people cultivate emotional resilience, intimacy, and integrity in relationships. His other passion is working with spiritual wounding, healing, and growth. Anthony is a student and mentor of Morningstar Mystery School and a member of the Fellowship of the Phoenix, and is the author of ‘Circling the Star,’ published through Gods & Radicals Press.




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