[Intro: 14:13 | AMA 1/15: https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse]

Joe Brewer — change strategist, complexity researcher, and cognitive scientist — returns to the podcast to update us on the regenerative land restoration work he and his family have been engaged in since we spoke early last year. This discussion includes themes elaborated on in his new book ‘The Design Pathway’ published on the Earth Regenerators website, as well as what it means to be "future indigenous" in our time of biospheric collapse, and the near and long-term goals of the Barichara Regeneration Fund. 

Joe has a background in physics, math, philosophy, atmospheric science, complexity research, and cognitive linguistics. Awakened to the threat of human-induced climate disruption while pursuing a Ph.D. in atmospheric science, he switched fields and began to work with scholars in the behavioral and cognitive sciences with the hope of helping create large-scale behavior change at the level of global civilization. Joe and his family currently live in Barichara, Colombia.

Episode Notes:

- Read ‘The Design Pathway’ and join the Earth Regenerators: http://bit.ly/DesignPathway / https://earth-regenerators.mn.co

- Support the Barichara Regeneration Fund: https://gofund.me/940b9ba5

- The song featured is “Gelis” Natureboy Flako from the album Natureboy: https://youtu.be/9AWoOddxA34

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