[Intro: 8:47]

In this episode, I speak with dear friend, healer, and counselor Barbara Cecil.

This is a griefful time. We are witnessing systems fail and a deep fracturing of our collective shared experience of reality, particularly for those embedded within the dominant culture of North America, to which many of us are tied to. More and more, time seems to be quickening and grinding to a stuttering halt, all at once. 

Barbara and I deepen our exploration into the terrain of our current predicament, continuing with the themes journalist Dahr Jamail and I discussed in our recent interview released a few weeks ago. We discuss what it means to really be present in this time of trouble, and how vital it is to know how to ground oneself and (re)connect with our intuition. It is from this place that we may then proceed, as this wisdom and skill will prove to be increasingly needed as we meet our time of many endings.

Barbara Cecil is the author of ‘Coming Into Your Own: A Woman's Guide Through Life Transitions.’ Barbara Cecil’s Master’s degree in speech communication and human relations has supported her in her calling to assist individuals, groups, teams, and organizations toward the full manifestation of their creative potential. 

Episode Notes:

- Visit Barbara’s website to learn more about her and her book ‘Coming Into Your Own’: http://endingsandbeginnings.com

- Read Barbara and Dahr’s series ‘How Then Shall We Live?” at Truthout: http://bit.ly/2M2g9Ek

- The song featured in this episode is “On the Bright Side” by Blockhead from the album Bubblebath: https://youtu.be/OmA6zPh_ILU

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