This episode is centered around home. Whether an actual physical home or a community that makes you feel at home Dr. Renee and Dr. Cristina touch on how to find your place of belonging, operate from a place of abundance, and do your part to build a world free of injustice by becoming more conscious of how you raise the next generation.

●     Dr. Renee and Dr. Cristina kick off this episode by sharing the importance of setting aside time and energy to recharge and refill your creative tank and nurture your spiritual life. They share how they do this through writing and the success their clients have had via their one-on-one sessions. If you’re interested in enrolling in the Sacred Writing Course, you can join the waitlist and hold your spot for the Fall session by sending an email to: [email protected]

●     Dr. Renee and Dr. Cristina are ramping up to release the summer issue of their magazine, Saint Lunita! Visit the magazine here:

●     There has been so much upheaval in the past year-and-a-half. Dr. Renee and Dr. Cristina reflect on what Las Doctoras means to them. “Ultimately,” says Dr. Cristina, “the work we’re doing with Las Doctoras is about being able to live our lives according to our principles.”

●     Creating systemic change is possible if we make it a point to give from overflow into the people and communities we love and believe deserve better opportunities to rise in society. Dr. Renee and Dr. Cristina share how they’ve tried to be more conscious about redistributing their own growing resources to those who need them most, including hiring more women of color.

●     Dr. Renee and Dr. Cristina talk alternative homes and the unfortunate reality of having so many barriers we have to overcome just to buy a place to live in.

●     Your children’s school is their second home. Dr. Renee and Dr. Cristina explain just how important it is for them to find a learning environment where their kids are accepted, loved, and feel safe in. They also reflect on their own experience in school and their goal to ensure their kids never have to grow up being forced to abandon parts of who they are.

●     Capitalism, toxic masculinity, patriarchy, sexism, racism, and white-washing. There is still a lot of work to do, but Dr. Renee and Dr. Cristina reassure us that every single person can make lasting change in their own household.

In spite of our shared adversity in the past year, and in spite of the sheer amount of division and vitriol still plaguing the country today, Dr. Renee and Dr. Cristina find hope in the fact that more people than ever are speaking up.

“We know what we need to know to make some change in this generation and we are not going to not do that. We’re going to step into the empowerment of creating the safety and security we never had as children.”

It starts with our own families, in our own homes. If you have children, the one thing you can do to make an impact is to nurture an environment that loves the child, that encourages them to simply be their full selves. By empowering the next generation, parents everywhere can create a ripple effect that can eliminate the many systemic issues that continue to exist in 2021.

How are you building the safe place you call “home”?


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