President Trump has kicked over the fixed imperial chessboard once again with his pullout from Syria. That and the upcoming exposures of the ongoing coup against the President is sorting out the dynamic political situation in the U.S. Yesterday, 354 members of the House of Representatives voted against the President’s fulfillment of his campaign promise to end regime change wars. Meanwhile, the prospect of peace looms in Syria, destroyed in Barack Obama’s war on behalf of the British, all as the result of adults like Trump, Putin, and others finally taking control. Dramatic developments in resolving differences between India and China portend the possibility of a four power agreement and a new Bretton Woods monetary system, creating the basis for financing a century of development throughout the world.

At the same time, the financial collapse proceeds just below the surface. It is precisely this type of disruptive moment for the good which gives birth to new ideas and grand strategy. It is precisely such a moment when Lyndon LaRouche’s ideas for creating a century of human prosperity and creativity can be fully brought into being.