It's the British!!! There is an underlying theme in today's questions, as they revolve around how did we get into this situation, of facing a possible Biden presidency, and how can we prevent it. The narrative of "Russia, Russia, Russia" is a British invention, which was useful for a desperate Hillary Clinton when her campaign paid for the discredited Steele dossier, but British intervention didn't begin in 2016. The use of censorship to protect Anglo-American intelligence operations from being exposed, the promotion of a phony "New Bretton Woods", and even the removal of Henry Wallace as Vice President to FDR in the 1944 campaign, are all examples of City of London/British intelligence "meddling" in U.S. affairs. The best antidote would be a mandate for a second Trump term, with the explicit intent to, -- this time -- finally clean out the Anglophile swamp in Washington.

Send Harley your questions at [email protected]

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