With their coup being exposed and set up for prosecution in the United States, the British have launched a world-wide strategy of tensions, attempting to lure Trump and other world leaders down a fateful and deadly path. The key players in the Trump Administration engaged in provocations reflect the consensus choices of the Anglo-American establishment, that formation which came into existence here following World War II which is thoroughly dominated by the ideas of its oligarchic mother. Upfront, we see the insanities of Bolton and Pompeo. But they are cheered and provoked by majorities in the Congress and the funders who currently pay for the American political process outside the revolt which is taking place against them in the U.S. population. It is clear that our sick elites will not rest in their mad determination to destroy a President. It is also clear that as the British role is increasingly exposed, the understanding of those patriots out to reverse the past 40 years in American history need a program, much education, and marching orders, to turn their inspiration into an effective force for healthy and dramatic progress.