Jason Ross and Megan Beets, collaborators with Lyndon LaRouche in his “Basement” project, to draw out the connection of the history of science to economics

LaRouche holds that, in order to understand the anti-entropic nature of the human mind, and its ability to develop new concepts granting us increased power to shape and understand nature, we should look to the central role of Johannes Kepler, the first modern scientist. Kepler created science by ending Aristotle's centuries-long suppression of knowledge, and by venturing beyond mathematics into the domain causes.

Similarly, LaRouche maintains, Kepler's discoveries are key to understanding economic cycles as the result of dynamics, the result of physical causes. This is in opposition to the failed and unfortunately widespread approach that looks at financial numbers and tries to build up a model based on them.

Observed trends do not create themselves — their causes do. Join us in our encounter with the creativity of the human mind, and learn how it provides us crucial insights into economics!