Our founding philosophers, Ben Franklin and Gottfried Leibnitz, said that we live in the best of all possible worlds and that the creative powers of the human mind bring us into harmony with the changing and constantly being discovered universe. That notion, and its implications for how human societies are to be ordered, is at the center of our Constitution’s preamble, as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly stressed. It is one of the great and lawful ironies of history that as the British Empire moved to destroy, once and for all, the great scientific and technological optimism which this generated in the American population, following Franklin Roosevelt’s death, China and other great nations were fervently studying the American System of political economy, a system which had birthed the most powerful economy the world had ever known until its recent and deliberate destruction. Many of those studies arose from the concerted campaign of Lyndon and Helga Zepp LaRouche. In China, last week, the second Belt and Road forum took place, generating cultural optimism and bestirring the imaginations of all who attended – creating a hunger for great projects to conquer the last frontiers of impoverishment and underdevelopment here in Earth while turning our eyes toward space and colonization of the Moon.