Tonight’s call will feature the starkest contrast between two dynamics: one which is taking place in China and is exemplified by the Second Belt and Road Forum, which commenced this morning in Beijing and involves leading figures from 140 countries, including nearly 40 heads of state, deliberating the development of large scale economic infrastructure and the creation of modern economies throughout the formerly underdeveloped nations of the world. The other features a United States where the British led efforts at destroying the nation by hobbling its presidency for the next two years, continues. Fools will proclaim that the attempted coup has ended, it has not. It was not just aimed at Donald Trump. It was aimed at the nation itself. The Democratic Party, which put itself fully in the British pocket when Russiagate commenced, now can’t retreat because they are deeply implicated in a coup against the Presidency and face prosecution. Like the infamous Sorcerer’s Apprentice in Goethe’s Tale, they have unleashed a “magic” they are incompetent to control or change. It is a dynamic which is wholly destructive.