Special Guest, EIR Economics Editor, Paul Gallagher. Tonight’s show will focus on LaRouchePAC’s 2018-2020 Campaign for LaRouche’s Four Laws and a New Bretton Woods. The world requires a new monetary system, modeled on the LaRouche/Roosevelt concept of Bretton Woods. It requires LaRouche’s Four Laws for Economic Recovery. Neither can happen unless the battle now ongoing for the United States is won. Just look at California, with what seems like the entire state on fire due to the human incompetence and evil of the British religion called environmentalism. Similarly, Florida, Puerto Rico, Houston, with some places still under water from historic floods. This never had to happen. Lyndon LaRouche has warned us repeatedly that unless the changes we are putting on the table become the dominant force of the age, we face an economic collapse from a systemically sick system. But, at the same time, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, echoing the development methods of the American System, has given whole sections of the world optimism for the first time in many lives.