Within the past 48 hours the British have attempted to derail the prospect of President Trump’s collaboration with Russia and China to rebuild the world through a series of provocations against the American President, flooding him with staged crises in Ukraine, Syria, and elsewhere. All of these provocations are designed to halt any prospect of the Four Power arrangement now put squarely on the table by our forces. At the same time, they have escalated Robert Mueller’s attacks on the President to crazed proportions as the would be Grand Inquisitor pulls out all stops to prove the lie that Trump and Putin collaborated to elect the new American President. Mueller and his British consorts have also undertaken to prove that the rage of the British people and other members of the EU toward the British Empire, expressed in Brexit, was somehow all a fantastic creation of the Russians. The immediate aim of all these panicked operations is to derail scheduled meetings between Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping at the G20 summit tomorrow which could set in motion further collaboration between these nations in righting this world.