Hear Bill Binney and Jason Ross on this week's Fireside Chat! The British appear to have temporarily succeeded in paralyzing the presidency of the United States. They are using the useful dupes in the Democratic Party, the controlled propaganda organs of the national media and Hollywood, and an army of brainwashed and alienated young people. President Trump persistently proclaims a desire for peace and moves to implement it; the Anglophilic operatives surrounding him sabotage him and conspire ever anew. A largely insane Congress, bent on war or blackmailed, cheer. It’s our job to ensure that this moment is what it is, an ephemeral moment. We have started to do just that. Bill Binney and others have now demonstrated, scientifically, that all of the horse manure published against Trump is just that. It starts with the demonstrable fact that the Russians did not hack the DNC and John Podesta in order to elect Donald Trump.