While our media concocts its daily poison, there are dramatic developments in the world, some very dangerous, others optimistically harkening into a new future. The population is being conditioned to water cooler gossip about the latest fake news, rather than the discoverable determinants of the future.

The economy teeters on the verge of collapse. Wall Street's bubble is about to explode. Yet the elites try to stoke the bubble and bring it back to life rather than taking the measures, such as Glass-Steagall, which will ensure survival rather than catastrophe. The entire political class is hooked to a dangerous delusion, not recognizing the difference between money and the directed credit essential for economic growth.

France's President Macron has the right idea. He is joining France to China's great Belt and Road Initiative, the New Silk Road for physical economic development. He pledges to bring Europe into this new paradigm.

What can we do here? LaRouchePAC is announcing an urgent intervention into the 2018 Congressional elections, "The Campaign to Win the Future." Join us for tonight's discussion.
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