EIR has just produced a new edition of its landmark report, The New Silk Road Becomes the World Landbridge ( https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/wlb_ii ). As many of you know, Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp LaRouche have worked over the course of 40 years to conceptualize and develop the massive hard and soft infrastructure projects outlined in the report and reflected now in Chinas One Belt, One Road initiative. These ideas can bring into being the prosperous future of the world, one in which Africa, Southwest Asia, Central and South America and all the formerly underdeveloped and colonial satrapies of the Anglo-Dutch empire flourish.

Join EIR Asia Desk editor Mike Billington tonight for a guided tour of the new report and the exciting ideas it presents. Mike will also outline the current war against OBOR being waged by the very Anglo-Dutch imperialists who will do anything and everything to preserve their decadent, bankrupt, "order."
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