Tonight's discussion is with Kesha Rogers, independent candidate for Congress in Texas' 9 th C.D. Rogers will review the recent proposals and implementation of Vice-President Pence's Space Commission privatizing NASA and sabotaging President Trump's promise to rapidly return the United States to manned space exploration. Pence, in typical Wall Street Republican fashion, argues that before the United States can return to space there must be a national "consensus" to do so. Compare this slavish worship of Wall Street's mendacity with President Kennedy's actual leadership, challenging the population that we "do this, not because it is easy, but because it is hard."

Lyndon LaRouche's Four Laws for Economic Recovery, Rogers' central campaign platform, stipulates that development of fusion power and a return to space are immediate urgent necessities if our economy is ever to recover from the looting by the City of London and its junior partner on Wall Street. An extremely critical aspect of that recovery is a mission orientation in the population to create the future, rather than wallowing in the pessimism, drugs, and despair characteristic of the present under the diktats of the financial elites. Based on her experiences campaigning, Rogers reports that the population is hungry for these ideas. How we turn that hunger into a historical force for implementing LaRouche's Four Laws is the topic of tonight's discussion.
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