This week, the resistance concocted an artificial crisis on the U.S. southern border in order to drive exposure of on the ongoing coup against Donald Trump off the nations airways. As Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz provided facts to Congress demonstrating that the Clinton email investigation and the Trump Russiagate affair were completely rigged affairs by top leaders of the DOJ and FBI, Hollywood played the nations heart about cruel and heartless Trump Administration stratagems concerning those illegally entering the United States.

Lost in the coverage of the immigration wave is its cause, the murderous drug trade to which Wall Street and the City of London are addicted as the result of the need to feed their financial bubble with ever larger hot financial flows. That drug trade has left every country in its supply chain, from Columbia through Central America, to Mexico, in ruins, controlled by ruthless gangs and terrorists who have destroyed the economy and terrorized the population. The mass genocide left in the drug trades wake has come full bore to the formerly industrialized areas of the United States in the form of the opioid crisis.

The insanity of Hollywoods orchestrated uproar, using complicit Democratic Senators as their outrage actors in chief, is seen clearly when you look at the actual origins of the crisis and its magnitude. As opposed to children with families, 25,000 unaccompanied children have been sent or gone on their own on the desperate trek to the U.S. southern border in the last year. They cross the border as the result of human traffickers, a side business of Mexicos drug gangs. When they arrive in the U.S. they compete with U.S. workers for increasingly low wage jobs, fulfilling the free traders matra of low wages and cheap goods as the U.S. economy like the former countries on our southern tier, falls below physical break even. Unable to work in the brutal off the books economy, they may resort to crime to survive. The free trade policies, condemned by President Trump but embraced by our brainwashed Congress and those now outraged resulted in the wholesale looting of the countries on our southern tier. The same policies were at play in the deindustrialization of the United States and the accompanying stripping of intellectual standards or morality from our culture.

Did you know, for example, that MS-13, the murderous gang now controlling much of Central America and running rampant in suburban America, was actually created in Los Angeles by stoners who consciously embraced satanism? Did you know that Bill Clintons deportation policies resulted in that gang becoming the dominant force in El Salvador, a looted country as the result of the Reagan Administrations 1980s wars, the financing of those wars by crack cocaine, and free trade? Our movement has witnessed and fought against this for our entire existence. Now, with the Trump presidency, and Trumps initial steps toward a Four Power agreement with Presidents Putin and Xi, it has finally become possible to win that fight, but only if we are sufficiently focused and ruthless. Join us for tonights discussion.
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