Join us for a discussion with Diane Sare of the LaRouchePAC Policy Committee. Developments in the past week significantly advanced our breakout into the new paradigm.

President Putin gave a groundbreaking speech outlining Russian's new defense capabilities based on new physical principles while detailing an economic platform for Russia echoing LaRouche's Four Laws for Economic Recovery. There are calls for reviving the LaRouche/Reagan SDI as well as for LaRouche's Strategic Defense of the Earth.

North Korea announced its openness to negotiations with the United States concerning its nuclear program.
The Italian elections demonstrated that the revolt against the Anglo-American imperial paradigm is in full bloom.

If you are wondering about the newest news cycle freakouts about Trump and the new fervor to Robert Mueller's witchhunt, look no further than these developments.

Lyndon LaRouche long described the ruthless, serene, and creative determination needed to actually revolutionize the world. He called it "the fundamental emotion." We are winning, time to drive this process fully through. Join us for tonight's discussion.
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