Join us for a discussion with Diane Sare, a leader of the LaRouchePAC Manhattan Project. The past week has seen extraordinary revelations about the coup against the President. The British hand and that of the intelligence community watered and fed Washington Post, were revealed openly in an article in the Post. Devin Nunes and the House Intelligence Committee have targeted the State Department as the next treason Memo subject regarding the coup. The criminal referral by Senators Grassley and Graham specifies that dirty dossier author Christopher Steele lied to the FBI about his media contacts on behalf of Hillary Clintons campaign and MI6, and more than hints that he enjoyed a longstanding intelligence source role with such as Ukraine coup case officer Victoria Nuland and Secretary of State Kerry. There are calls now from such as former intelligence officers Phil Giraldi and Pat Lang for a full investigation of the British role and that of Obamas intelligence chiefs John Brennan, James Clapper, and Obama himself in orchestrating the insurrection against Trump, calls which originated with the LaRouche political movement.

How do we focus people on why this is occurring -- on the ongoing collapse of the Anglo-Dutch imperial model which has governed the Western World since Franklin Roosevelt's death? How do we create a new paradigm with "American characteristics" and join the Chinese in building a new human renaissance? That is the topic of tonight's discussion.
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