As the possibility of peace presents itself boldly for the first time in 68 years on the Korean peninsula, we, here, face the historical mandate to make such a peace permanent, a process which can only be assured by retaking the United States on behalf of the revolutionary ideas which first defeated the British Empire. The road to permanent peace must include a four power agreement between India, China, Russia, and the United States to develop the planet to a condition worthy of human beings. It must include a new monetary structure serving that development interest, a new Bretton Woods system as outlined by Lyndon LaRouche.

Here, the battle for these ideas is on, centered on defeating the coup against the President and winning the constituency leaders of this country to LaRouche's Four Laws for Economic recovery of the United States. Today will mark a turning point, we believe, in the battle against the coup with the release of the Justice Department Inspector General's Report concerning FBI and Justice Department conduct in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. The fact that Robert Mueller's credibility is at historic lows with the U.S. population is due, in significant part, to the mobilization of our organization against his treasonous investigation.

Join us for tonight's discussion with the author of our Mueller dossier, Barbara Boyd.

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