The past 48 hours have seen new revelations about British agent Christopher Steele and the British plot to reverse the 2016 U.S. elections. That plot not only aims to remove Donald Trump from office but is also directed at creating popular support here for destabilization and regime change in Russia. Thus, the 2018 elections are not only shaping up as a battle about the impeachment of the President based on a completely illegal and seditious coup. They may very well determine the survival of the human race.

Tonight's guest, Barbara Boyd, has just written a new piece called: "Fish Stinks from the Head Down: An Update on Robert Muellers Inquisition." In it she explores the very prominent role of Christopher Steele in the Russian regime change operation dating from the Litvinenko poisoning in 2006. More and more of the cover on a British operation to literally determine the fate of the United States during 2016 and thereafter is being torn off as Obama Administration Justice Department and other documents are made available to Congress. She also details the direct attack by the British on the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity and Julian Assange and the British origins of the campaign of censorship now occurring in the United States.

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