Over the last fifty years in the trans-Atlantic region, we have undergone a counter-revolution against science and technology. This has taken the form of a pseudo-scientific ideology of radical environmentalism promoted by the World Wildlife Fund created and run by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Prince Philip of the British Empire. This counter-revolution expanded with the counterculture of the 1960s. Instead of science, the existentialism of Nietzsche and Heidegger became rampant on the universities. In this class we will further explore Platos principle of the hypothesis of the higher hypothesis versus Aristotles inductive/deductive method, as the basis for the New Paradigm advocated by Lyndon LaRouche. What changes must be made in the composition of the work force so as to achieve this new paradigm? What changes must be made in our educational system? This class will be given by Will Wertz.

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