Nearly done with September Sequels! Tonight we tackle our first sequel musical and man, we gotta say, Grease 2 is NOT the word.  From 1982, Grease 2 stars Michelle Pfeiffer and Rex Manning and some D list T-Birds and Pink Ladies.  Grease 2 has all the high school musical shenanigans - bowling alley dance parties, bad sexual euphemisms, bunker seductions that go bust, a talent show that gets side tracked by a sad sack drama queen and don't forget the world's worst rip off of Danny Zuko we've ever seen.  Sorry, we're being harsh.  Grease 2 provides a ton of nostalgia and it's a great bad movie that we'll cherish till our dying day.  We'll review all the good bad songs, let Sweetie do a timed 1 minute rant about Adrian Zmed, and talk about who are favorite season is from the Calendar Girls musical number.  Cool rider baby. Cool rider.