Previous Episode: Episode 135: Coyote Ugly

The hooker with the heart of gold movies NEVER GET OLD. Tale as old as time guys! Just because you're selling yourself on Hollywood Boulevard doesn't mean you're some cracked out 'ho! It probably just means you followed some busted ass boyfriend from Georgia and got sick of frying up burgers at McDonald's so you decided to turn tricks instead! Yes, this is the plot of Pretty Woman, the Gary Marshall classic from 1990 that catapulted Julia Roberts into a gigantic mega star, and you know what? Despite the plot being a tad shady and far fetched, Julia fucking rules in this movie! While we can't say the same for Richard Gere's character Edward (dudsville, Vivian you can do better! Spread those wings girl!), we thoroughly enjoyed this movie. It's pretty damn charming and has some great 90s references that always feel like a balm on our weary 2018 souls.  We chat about what our prostitute looks would be, why Julia Robert slays in this film, how if your last name is Stuckey there's a good chance you're a big ole raper, and we'll talk about all our favorite Pretty Woman looks and sing two 90s gems from the soundtrack.