Previous Episode: Episode 129: Homeward Bound
Next Episode: Episode 131: Jaws

Happy Fourth of July from The Sweeties! With the holiday upon us, we decided it was the exact right time to trot out Independence Day, the pinnacle 90s film about aliens (in our not so humble opinion) AND the coolness that was Will Smith before he started doing "real" movies. So there are parts of this movie that are very cheesy and bad buttttt our general consensus was it's still pretty cool and stokes our patriotism fire even if our country is a hell of a hot mess right now. Though it still causes Sweety massive anxiety!  We'll talk about our own theories about the age old question of are there aliens, chat about the coolness factor of Sweety's first boyfriend aka Will Smith, as well as how we feel about Jeff Goldblum these days, and how Sweety thoughts Simon Rex was in this movie but it's actually Harry Connick Jr. Welcome to Earth!