When the calendar turns to October something spooky happens at the Language of Bromance Studios.  With True Crime being all the craze now Richard and Shawn thought it proper to bring that to the Language of Bromance. 

Richard tries to find True Crimes that are located around where Shawn lives to try and make him fear not only the ocean but his front yard.  Shawn on the other hand finds some creepy tales of a Husband Wife Farm couple, an adopted daughter who may not be the age she says she is, and some unsettling quotes by Serial Killers.

If you are easily scared this may not be the episode for you, but if you love True Crime this is all for you.

Give a listen to The Language of Bromance in Episode 277 The Bros Take On True Crime.

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About Language of Bromance


Together Richard and Shawn formed the podcast The Language of Bromance and from there it has been nothing but fun. The duo laugh about things they go through, stories in the news and even getting serious discussing net neutrality along with other issues. Every so often their friendship turns to a bitter rivalry with their nerdiest creation the draft episodes. An original take on a best of or a top 10 list. The draft episodes are done like an NFL Draft 7 rounds where Richard and Shawn flip-flop picks on various topics.